AI Art Invasion Threat or Creative Sidekick

So, there’s a buzz in town, and it’s all about AI Art and image generators like DALL-E 2, Discord, and Midjourney. The big question that’s got artists, creators, and the world at large scratching their heads is, “Is AI art, or is it just a poser trying to steal the spotlight?”

AI Art – Who’s the real artist?

Illustration by Judy Blomquist/Harvard Staff

The Gazette decided to dive into the ring with a writer, a film animator, an architect, a musician, and a mixed-media artist to see if they’d welcome AI with open arms, or if they’d be calling its bluff.

Artists speak about AI Art

Daphne Kalotay, the Writing Wizard: Daphne ain’t buying it, folks. She’s got a sharp eye for spotting the real deal, and AI ain’t it. Sure, AI can mimic like a chameleon on a color wheel, but where’s the soul, the unique perspective, and the inimitable details that make us humans? Commercial genres are sweating bullets, especially those with clichéd styles and tropes. AI might play dress-up, but it can’t dance the dance of true creativity.

Yosvany Terry, the Musical Maverick: If music were a boxing match, AI wouldn’t even make it to the first round. AI can’t feel, groove, or respond to the moment like a human can. Jazz is all about improvisation, baby! AI is still stuck in a digital daze, lacking the emotional punch, and it’s as tone-deaf as your Aunt Mildred in the shower. As for those algorithms suggesting music, well, we could use a little more wild and weird in our playlists, don’t you think?

Ruth Stella Lingford, the Animation Artiste: AI is like the new kid on the block in the animation world, and everyone’s got mixed feelings about it. Yeah, it’s a job-stealer, but it can also be a sidekick in the right situation. Repetition is Ruth’s jam, and she’s not ready to trade it for AI’s “almost there” creativity. Still, AI’s randomness is intriguing, like a crazy rollercoaster ride. So, who knows, it might work if you let AI tag along.

Matt Saunders, the Mixed-Media Maverick: For Matt, AI is a creative wild card that’s shaking things up. Change is good, even if it’s a little scary. Artists will dance with AI, but not hand over the reins entirely. AI can be a provocateur, but the conversation remains with us. It’s like a collaboration where you keep one hand on the steering wheel but let AI take the scenic route.

Moshe Safdie, the Architect Extraordinaire: AI’s got Moshe’s attention, but he’s not shaking in his boots. AI can crunch numbers and optimize like a champ, but can it create the magic that’s essential in art and architecture? Not quite, at least not yet. Art is a spiritual, emotional journey, and AI’s got some big shoes to fill. But hey, AI, take a shot at creating a magical garden concept like the Jewel Changi Airport in Singapore. We dare you!

Our Take

In the end, it’s clear that AI is crashing the party, but the artists are keeping a watchful eye. AI can mimic, assist, and even surprise, but it’s not stealing the spotlight just yet. It’s a wild ride, and we’re all aboard for the adventure.

So, folks, embrace AI, take it out for a spin, but remember, the true artistry, the heart, and the soul still reside in the human touch. AI might be the sidekick, but the spotlight belongs to the daring, the creative, and the brilliantly bonkers human minds.

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Dan Shalev

Hey, I'm Dan - I speak human in the age of bot and like tech, SaaS and entrepreneurship. I contribute to blogs like MASTERDIR to provide a layman's insight into products and services, and give the good, the bad, and the ugly to help you make informed decisions and avoid buyer's remorse.